The first spectrometer for Purple Mountain Observatory is delivered


In partnership with our colleagues at Blue Sky Spectroscopy Inc., we have delivered the first of two Fourier Transform Spectrometers (FTS) to PMO that will be commissioned at Dome Argus (Dome A), over 4km high on the summit of the East Antarctic Icecap.

These (1, 2) FTS will be used to measure atmospheric transmission from 0.75THz to at least 10GHz but ideally 15THz. More strictly atmospheric emission is measured with transmission determined by using an atmospheric propagation model.  The low frequency limit is determined by the detector sensitivity; the high frequency limit by the optical polariser perfomance.

Water vapour, by way of rotational band absorption, is the biggest contributor to atmospheric opacity in this spectral region. The extreme cold of the Antarctic environment is outside of the range of current tested water vapour continuum models. To increase confidence in the accuracy  of the measurements it is necessary to test as large a frequency range of the water vapour rotation band as possible.


1. Details from the Design Specification provided by Mr. Ken Wood of QMC Instruments Ltd. to Dr Sheng-Cai Shi of Purple Mountain Observatory (Feb 2009)

2. Information from closed Memorandum discussing the FTS Optical Design from Dr. Scott Paine  of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, US, to the Dome A FTS team which includes QMC Instruments Ltd. (Oct 2008)


Edited Sep09